
12 August, 2021

We've planted 50,000 trees!

Scientists warn that rapid and deep reductions in CO2 are required over the coming decades to achieve the goals of the 2015 Paris Agreement and to reach climate stability.

It is at times like this it is important to reflect on what we ourselves, as individuals and business, are doing to help reduce our impact on the environment. At Apex Group, we are more than just a financial services provider. Our purpose is to drive positive change for a more sustainable future and as part of that commitment, earlier this year we announced our partnership with Eden Reforestation Projects to plant trees in Madagascar.

Eden Reforestation Projects is a non-profit initiative dedicated to planting trees across the world to restore animal habitats, support local communities out of extreme poverty and reverse the effects of climate change by improving water purity, rainfall patterns and soil quality. Trees are a crucial part of the environment and play a critical role in climate change; they are the lungs of our planet, storing CO2 and emitting oxygen. By supporting Eden Reforestation Projects, we are able to have a tangible impact on the fight to curb climate change and restore climate stability.

This year so far, we have already planted 50,000 trees in Madagascar, a country that has 90% of its original forests destroyed, decimating the native animal population and taking away the community’s ability to live off the land. Those 50,000 trees will absorb approximately 3,075 tonnes of CO2 (the equivalent of each employee recycling 29 bags of waste or charging their phones every day for 230 years) over the next 5 years, but we’re not stopping there.

Our ultimate goal, and commitment, is to plant 200,000 trees over the course of 2021 and we will achieve that target by focusing on People – planting 10 trees for every new client contract signed and 5 trees for every 5 years of employee tenure.

As we continue with our partnership, we will create jobs for the poorest communities in Madagascar and over 10 years our trees will absorb approximately 24,600 tonnes of CO2. As a global business we strongly believe it is our responsibility to act to drive positive change. In addition to our support of Eden Reforestation Projects, we also support our clients in making incremental and long-term sustainable change through our ESG Ratings and Advisory solutions

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our People, for their commitment to our business and to being part of this change, and our clients – for enabling us to give back.

The time to act is now! We all need to be part of the fight to reverse the damage done to our environment; whether that’s committing to not buying single-use plastic, making more journeys on foot or by bike, or via business and financial contributions. Join us in being part of the change and pledge your commitment to helping halt climate change today.

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