
08 December, 2020

Watch On Demand: The first 90 days of the Limited Partnership Fund Regime

Hong Kong’s new regime came into effect on August 31, 2020 and almost three months have elapsed since its launch. The LPF regime was designed with the aim of promoting Hong Kong as the leading private equity hub in Asia. In this webinar, the discussion will take a look at what has been accomplished so far in the first 90 days. The panel of external experts discuss the traction that the LPF regime has been gaining since its launch and what further developments the industry can look out for in the times to come. 

Topics of discussion include:

  • What makes the LPF vehicle a competitive choice of fund domiciles and does size matter in choosing to use LPF vehicles?
  • The latest number of LPFs registered and the geographies of these early movers.
  • What are the operational differences from the perspective of the professional service providers and have they experienced a rise in the number of enquiries?
  • What ongoing refinements can potentially make LPF a game-changer and attract more adopters and, if there are, timelines for them?


Moderator: Wilber Chiu
Managing Director Hong Kong, Apex Group
Anson Law

Market Development Division

Fiona Fong


Jimmy Shum Lim

Managing Director
Vectr Ventures

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