
15 April, 2022

Watch On Demand: The Enhanced Irish ILP Regime

Date: March 30, 2022

Time: 3pm – 4pm GMT

Topics discussed include:

  • Outline the key elements of the Irish ILP regime.

  • Broadly, what led to the amended ILP in 2020/21? What did the enhanced ILP regime look to achieve?

  • What concerns and potential issues did the amendments to the ILP solve? (E.g. around carried interest.)

  • How does the enhanced ILP structure benefit LPs and GPs looking to domicile a fund in Ireland?

  • How does the ILP compare with other structures both internationally and in Europe?

  • What types of international investors could benefit from the enhanced ILP structure?

  • Which fund strategies would be best suited to use the ILP structure?

  • How has demand developed for this fund structure since 2020?

  • Future predictions for the ILP structure. Could it be amended further/ is it being marketed enough


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