Apex Group partnered have with The Digital Leadership Forum to host a virtual event that discussed what can be done to provide a gender-inclusive work environment whilst gaining active support from key decision-makers in your oganisations.
06 May, 2022
On Demand: Equity for Women in Financial Services

About this webinar
There is a widespread belief that society is moving too slowly to create positive change for women in digital financial services. It is well documented that the pandemic created an unprecedented need for digital financial services and further fuelled a race for organisations to digitise. Despite this, women continue to face gender pay gaps, harassment, and position inequality. It is crucial now to educate, to the highest degree, on what can be done to improve business quality of life for women.
Listen to this session to:
- Hear how other businesses are improving their equity in the workplace for women
- Explore the latest challenges faced by women in financial services work environments
- Better understand how equity for women in financial services should be addressed by senior leaders in businesses
What is a DLF event?The Digital Leadership Forum is a membership community of innovative digital leaders from world leading brands. Powered by Apex, there will be interactive knowledge-sharing sessions each month where you can share experiences and gain fresh insights to drive your digital transformation strategies.