Despite these unprecedented challenges the market continued to grow in 2020 to $10.5 trillion – 160% more than the size of the market in 2010 – and is expected to continue on a growth trajectory over the next few years. As the global asset management industry looked to create smart investment decisions for their Real Estate investors during the pandemic, Jersey consistently played a key role in structuring and servicing offshore Real Estate funds.
“Jersey has become a leading hub in the establishment, financing and administration of Real Estate vehicles with a truly international client list,” says Nigel Hill, Senior Vice President – Corporate Solutions, Apex Group. “Politically and financially stable, with a tax neutral environment, the fact that Jersey is not in the EU is not seen as prohibitive to managers structuring here. The easy and cost-effective marketing offering through the National Private Placement Regime (“NPPR”) provides an attractive alternative to the AIFMD passport regime.”
Jersey’s fund industry now surpasses $500bn in assets and continues to rise despite COVID headwinds. The Jersey Property Unit Trust (“JPUT”) has been a long-term structure of choice for international investors and institutional, tax-exempt investors, such as pensions funds and sovereign wealth funds looking to hold commercial, residential or industrial Real Estate assets.
For a corporate entity, a Jersey company qualifying as a UK Real Estate Investment Trust (“REIT”) provides a long term, secure and stable income stream for investors and income and gains can be tax-exempt (subject to certain qualifying conditions
Over the years, some of the world’s top managers, pensions funds, insurers and sovereign wealth funds have structured their funds in Jersey. This deep collective knowledge of lawyers, administrators, accountants and the local regulator makes Jersey a very compelling proposition.