Regulatory Tracker

14 June, 2022

FATF AML/CFT Digital Strategy for Law Enforcement Authorities

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) prepared a confidential report that examined how law enforcement agencies can use technology to successfully investigate money laundering and terrorist financing, mitigate the risks of these crimes and share information in a secure manner.

The report highlights the opportunities, requirements as well as the key prerequisites for removing the barriers to successful digital transformation. The document highlights key strategic questions to be considered prior to launching digital initiatives.

A number of considerations have been posed to law enforcement agencies with respect to the use of technology for data analysis, digital investigative capabilities in the fight against financial crime such as:

  • Which specific types of ML/TF crimes would benefit most from the use of technology?
  • How to align with existing and foreseeable data protection, privacy, and security frameworks and legislation?
  • What are the ethical considerations in the use, storage and collation of data in ‘perceived’ vs real investigations?
  • How data can be “sanitized” to remove potential bias and inaccuracy?
  • How will key components of data be shared, and why such sharing is in line with the national AML/CFT priorities and risk profile of the country?
  • Is the data to be shared available in compatible data format or structure, and will not require substantive cleaning and harmonization efforts?
  • Is there a plan to verify data accuracy, or to obtain updated data to increase the relevance and value of the shared data?



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