
07 February, 2019

Apex Global Head of Governance Contributes to AIMA Good Practice Guide

Technological improvements and ever-growing specialisation in services are facilitating greater use of outsouring in the alternative investment industry. Much has already been written on the benefits, risks and modes of outsourcing in financial services, and in asset management more specifically. Regulators in some jurisdictions have issued regulations, thematic studies or advisories on how financial firms, including investment managers, should approach outsourcing. However, there are few specific reviews on outsourcing governance in the alternative asset management space, either assessing the ‘how to’s’ of outsourcing or examining the applicable regulations.

Amid this backdrop, The Alternative Investment Management Association (“AIMA”) has put together a guide from a global alternative asset management perspective, outsourcing patterns among alternative asset funds and their investment managers and suggested areas to consider when outsourcing fund management operations. The Apex Group’s Global Head of Governance Nitin Khanapurkar is appointed as part of the AIMA Good Practices Committee and contributed to the guide.


The executive summary of the AIMA Guide to Sound Practices for Outsourcing by Investment Managers can be downloaded here or viewed in full on the AIMA website here.


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