
10 August, 2016

Apex Celebrates 10 Years in Mauritius

Apex Fund Services (Mauritius) Ltd, is regulated by the Financial Services Commission and opened its office in September 2006. Since this time there has been a considerable shift in the need for greater transparency in the industry, both locally and globally. As a result of this, regulators globally have moved quickly to ensure that the regulations and legislations around the funds industry are robust enough to ensure strength of regulation.

Apex Mauritius News

In July 2010 we announced that Apex Mauritius had successfully completed its SAS 70 Type 2 assessment. This was a landmark achievement as it meant Apex became the first fund administrator in Mauritius to have been awarded this certificate. The SAS 70 Type 2 audit for Apex Mauritius was performed by KPMG India, one of the leading firms of independent auditors. Apex’s high quality infrastructure and controls and safeguards across the entire company were key to the successful examination.

Apex has since continued to be audited for the updated SSAE 16 by KPMG India and has been successfully completed the assessment each year. Passing the SSAE 16 examination for consecutive year recognises that Apex has some of the most secure, robust systems and controls of any of the international fund administration companies and in turn provides clients with high levels of security and assurance.

Apex Service

Apex advises its clients not to get caught blindsided with expectation gaps between providers on reports not supplied, or delays on reporting. There is a heightened sense of urgency amongst investors in regards to the depth of information required and how quickly that information should be provided. Apex removes these additional reporting requirements easing the burden on its clients.

  • Cost competitive solutions.
  • Over 150 employees locally and 600 globally.
  • Apex’s presence Mauritius has significantly enhanced the ability for its clients to provide a quality service to their investors in many aspects due to the following capabilities:
  • NAV reporting within agreed deadlines
  • Responsiveness to the needs and requests of our clients, ensuring any issues are resolved and cleared with minimal disruption.

The Apex Group

Apex Mauritius is a member of the Apex Fund Services Group, one of the world’s largest independent global providers of outsourced fund accounting, financial software and technology. Apex delivers a full front to back office proposition to clients globally.

A Unique Provider

  • 33 offices worldwide.
  • Delivering financial software solutions providing clients with a Tier one competitively positioned Portfolio.
  • Global Fund Accounting and Administration services; including investor services, incorporating fund set up, Domiciliation and structuring.
  • AUA over $45bn USD.
  • Customisable and localised approach to our clients.

Click Here to read more or contact Apex Mauritius.


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