
04 April, 2017

Apex Sponsors the 2017 AIMA Global Policy & Regulatory Forum

AIMA’s Global Policy & Regulatory Forum, held annually, is the world’s leading policy and regulatory event. It provides an important opportunity for the hedge fund industry to meet and engage with senior policymakers and regulators from around the world.

2017 Event Details:

4 April, 2017 | 8:30am – 6:00pm | The Westin Paris – Vendôme, 3 Rue De Castiglione, Paris, 15001, France


8:30AM | Welcome remarks | Jack Inglis, CEO, AIMA

9:00AM | Keynote Speech | Steven Maijoor, ESMA

9:05AM | Panel 1: Supervisory and enforcement trends| Heather Smith, Cayman Islands Monetary Authority – Martin Moloney, CBI – Michael Loretan, FINMA – Susanne Gahler, FCA​

9:30 AM Morning break

11:00 AM | Panel 2: Global outlook | Eric Pan, CFTC – Kenta Fukami, JFSA – Milan Dalal, Senior Economic Adviser to Senarotr Mark Warner – Natasha Cazenave, AMF | Moderator: John Bohan, Apex Fund Services

​11:45 AM | Panel 3: EU regulatory priorities – Esther Wandel, BMF – Jean-Marc Goy, CSSF – Niall Bohan, European Commission – Richard Stobo, EMSA | Moderator: Laurent Degabriel, PwC​

12:30PM | Lunch break

1:30PM | Keynote Speech

2:00PM | Panel 4: The macro-economic picture | Francois-Louis Michaud, ECB – Jouni Timonen, Bank of Finland – Tuomas Peltonen, ESRBWerner Bijerk, IOSCO | Moderator: Savvas Savouri, Toscafund​

3:00 PM | Coffee Break

3:30 PM | Panel 5: The Investor perspective | Andrea Frazzini, AQR Capital Management – Elena Manola-Bonthond, CERN Pension Fund – Mark Hannoush, Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan – Michael Weinberg, Protege Partners​

4:30 PM  Keynote Speech | Benoit de Juvigny, AMF

4:50 PM | Close followed by Networking Drinks Reception

AIMA’s Global Policy & Regulatory Forum is conducted under the Chatham House rule.

John Bohan moderates the Global Outlook panel:

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