Regulatory Tracker

21 October, 2022

AED update on Luxembourg AIF AML/CFT requirements

On 12 October 2022, the Administration de l’enregistrement, des domaines et de la TVA (“AED”) updated its website to enhance the visibility behind several key AML/CFT measures being put in place for Luxembourg alternative investment funds ("AIFs") that are unregulated and not supervised by any other Luxembourg supervisory authority.

Key points:

  1. Luxembourg AIFs must submit an identification form applicable to their:

    a) AML/CFT compliance officer (Responsable du contrôle) (“RC”) ; and
    b) the person responsible for compliance with the professional obligations as regards the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing (Responsable du respect) (“RR”);

  2. Luxembourg AIFs will need to submit to the AED, by 12 November 2022, their 2021 AML/CFT Questionnaire.

To support the above, the AED provided links providing guidance on both the Identification forms for RCs and RRs, as well as for the 2021 AML/CFT Questionnaire.

How Apex can support you:

  • Assistance with AML/CTF Questionnaires
  • Dedicated RC appointment
  • ESG Aligned RC’s
  • Assistance to design or review the AML/CTF framework of your AIF (AML/CTF policy/procedures, ML/TF own risk assessment, AML/CTF risk appetite statement)
  • Provide the AML/CTF training for the Board as required by the legal framework
  • ESG Compliance including SFDR and Taxonomy

Please contact us to find out how we can support your business.

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