Regulatory Tracker

27 June, 2024

Singapore's National Risk Assessment reveals significant money laundering threats across multiple sectors

Singapore recently published the Money Laundering National Risk Assessment (“NRA”), highlighting significant money laundering risks across various sectors such as banking, wealth management, and corporate services.

Key insights from the NRA highlight substantial risks associated with predicate offenses such as fraud, organised crime, corruption, tax crimes, and trade-based money laundering. The banking sector, including wealth management, emerges as a high-risk area, while corporate service providers in the designated non-financial businesses and professions (“DNFBPs”) sectors also face notable threats. Sectors like digital payment token service providers, real estate, and precious stones and metals dealers are identified as having elevated risks.

The NRA findings, combined with other risk assessments, provide valuable insights for stakeholders. Financial institutions (“FIs”) and DNFBPs can use this information to identify and address priority risks promptly. Leveraging the NRA helps strengthen risk assessments and enhance controls, particularly in sectors with heightened money laundering risks. 

Read the full text here:  

How can we help?

Apex Group Ltd (Asia) provides compliance solutions and regulatory advisory services to Singapore FIs and DNFBPs. 

Please get in touch if you are looking for assistance in the review and development of your AML risk assessments to ensure that the latest ML risks identified in the NRA have been considered.

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