The European Commission has put forward plans to harmonise several requirements governing UCITS and AIF managers covering areas such as delegation, liquidity risk management and reporting.
In late November, the European Commission published long-awaited draft proposals amending the AIFM and UCITS Directives, which are currently being scrutinised by the European Parliament and European Council.
The proposals will be negotiated with co-legislators. Once any amendments have been made and the final text is voted upon and published in the official journal, EU Member States will have 24 months to implement the proposals into national law.
In a nutshell, the initial proposals include some extra administration and supervision requirements for AIFMs and UCITS management company, but delegation (where a third party performs a service or a process for an AIFM or UCITS Management Company) of portfolio or risk management functions is expected to continue.
Up until now, the delegation rules for AIFMs have been more detailed than those applied to UCITS management companies. The new proposals will set out requirements for UCITS managers to comply with the same delegation rules and principles as those imposed on AIFMs.
The proposals aim to strengthen the conditions for setting up an UCITS Management Company or AIFM in the EU by requiring at least two full time conducting officer, with significant good repute and experience, based in the EU. The proposals also stipulate the need for more information on the individuals performing AIFM/ UCITS functions including:
- A detailed description of each individual’s role, title and level of seniority
- A description of such individual’s reporting lines and responsibilities within, and outside of, the AIFM/UCITS management company entity
- An overview of the time allocated by the individual to each responsibility
- A description of the technical and human resources that support the individual’s activities
- Information on any delegation and sub-delegation arrangements, setting out a description of the human and technical resources used by the AIFM/ UCITS Management Company in monitoring and supervising the delegate