The Apex Foundation is a not-for profit entity set up by the firm to support charitable initiatives and projects that promote and make a difference to two key areas:

  1. the preservation, conservation and protection of the environment;
  2. women’s empowerment and economic independence

The aims of the Apex Foundation are aligned with the personal priorities of the Founder and CEO of Apex Group, Peter Hughes, and the firm’s CSR objectives as one of the largest global providers of financial services in our space to influence the flow of capital to causes that we truly believe in.

Recent donations made by the Apex Foundation include Blue Marine Foundation, CAMFED, EducAid, Tusk Trust and WaterAid

Our Vision:

“To tackle the preservation, conservation and protection of the environment, women’s empowerment and economic independence and education and social mobility through supporting grassroots projects.”

Apex Group’s support of the Apex Foundation reinforces its commitment to having a genuine positive impact on the world, supplementing its previously announced corporate initiatives including leading the industry by offsetting a lifetime of carbon emissions, the launch of the Women’s Accelerator Program, creation of the FS Disruptor Forum and sustainability partnerships with Cricket West Indies and Olympic triathlete Flora Duffy.

Our Mission, Structure and Governance

The Apex Foundation is an independent, not-for profit entity, wholly separate from the Apex Group structure, and is governed by a board of directors who will enable Apex Group and its employees to deliver impact in line with its purpose of ‘driving positive change’ through support the raising and distribution of funds to meaningful causes.

Peter Hughes, Founder and CEO of Apex Group, is the sole shareholder of The Apex Foundation. He has provided a cornerstone donation to set the Foundation up. The Apex Foundation is supported and led by three senior executive leaders from Apex Group, who are passionate about empowering sustainable change across the industry, for the societies in which we operate and across the planet.

Board of Directors

Rosie Guest

Rosie Guest

Chief Marketing and Communications Officer (Maternity Leave)

Get in touch

If you would like to get involved with the Apex Foundation, then please submit your email address and we will be in touch.


The Apex Foundation is a Bermudan entity that is totally separate and independent from the Apex Group Ltd. company structure, and we view this as a vehicle that Apex Group can support in raising and distributing funds to meaningful causes that are aligned with our purpose of driving positive change.

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